Fusion Reality

Authors : Akhildev MJ; Albin Saj Chalissery; Maritta Stephen; Deepa Devassy

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3esrvN7

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN1127

Fusion Reality is the next generation reality that will change the aspect of everything. We talk about a lot of reality technologies including augmented reality and virtual reality. But experiencing mixed reality is really expensive. This paper deals with fusion reality which aims to develop a software development kit that includes support for developing mixed reality applications within minutes. Our development kit is included in the official website of our fusion reality. Developers can download and install the Unity 3D software. After downloading the software developers can import the fusion reality kit package which is available at our website and can start to create theirs on mixed reality applications. The website contains the necessary files for developing fusion reality applications as well as integrated with an artificially intelligent chatbot which can be helpful in solving any doubts and queries the developers might have while developing the application. The chatbot is also available on telegram social media applications and developers can utilize the telegram application also to solve doubts and queries. Atoms, CoronaAR are android applications developed with a fusion reality kit of ours. Atoms deal with chemistry and aim to decrease the complexity of learning periodic table and other chemistry related things. CoronaAR also built with the latest technologies and tools associated with the fusion reality SDK and assets. Atoms are capable of augmenting the periodic table and elements with details of each particular element having its basic properties with isotopes, compounds and video displays to learn or experience periodic table like never before

Keywords : Fusion Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Unity, Vuforia.


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