Game Modification of Kuru-Kuru Model For Improving Dental Hygiene Treatment of Pregnant Women

Authors : Francisca F Desena; Bedjo Santoso; Diyah Fatmasari; Lanny Sunarjo; Waljuni Astu Rahman

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN965

Dental and oral health problems in pregnant women are caused by poor care behavior of dental and oral hygiene as well as the condition of dental and oral hygiene of pregnant women itself. Those can lead to an impact of premature birth and low weight of the baby at birth. Strategies for behavioral change in pregnant women were one achieved through dental and oral hygiene education in the form of counseling along with material delivered that was well received by the pregnant women as the subject of research. The modification of Kuru-Kuru as game model can improve skills, self-reliance and as a media of counseling to pregnant women. The aim of research is to create KuruKuru, a game model, as an effort to improve dental health treatment to pregnant women. Research and Development method (R & D) was adopted with model testing of quasy-experimental one-group pre-test posttest design for this research. OHI-S and the skills of pregnant women are the dependent variables. The expert validation used intra-class correlation coefficient, while for the normality test, it used Shapiro Wilk. In addition, variable of abnormal pregnant women used non-parametric test (Wilcoxon). The result of KuruKuru game model is either relevant or feasible as an effort to improve dental and oral hygiene of pregnant women shown by p-value less than 0.003. This game effectively improves the skills of dental and oral hygiene with pre-test result in 5.92±1.158 and post-test in 9.54±0.613 (p < 0,000) and lowers the score of OHI-S pregnant women with pre-test in 1.211±0.605 and posttest in 0.155±0.275 (p < 0,000). It can be concluded that Kuru-kuru game model is effective as an effort to shape the behavior of pregnant women in improving dental and oral hygiene.

Keywords : Dental Hygiene, Kuru-Kuru, Pregnant Women


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