The family of Rutaceae content variety of
aromatic compositions. The local use of Ruta
Graveolens on treatment of joint pain, paralysis,
nervous disorder. The drugs is useful in the disorder of
kidney,urinary bladder and helps regulate the function
of these organs. The herb and the oil act as stimulants,
their influences being chiefly directed to the uterine and
nervous system. Pharmacognestic study of crude plant
leaves by methanolic and ethanolic extract of Ruta
Graveolens carried out by GC-MS. Studies by GC-MS
shows bioactive chemicals in methanolic and ethanolic
extract azuleno[5,6b]oxiren4one; dMannose;
3ol,(3á,24Z).Ethanolic extract 9Octadecenoicacid (Z),
arboxylic acid,Molybdenum,bis
Keywords : MS,Soxhlet,ChemicalComposition,Phytochemical,Methanol ic&Ethanolic