Twin pregnancy associating a complete mole
and a normal pregnancy with its own healthy
trophoblast is a rare entity. The majority of studies show
that the prognosis of such an association includes a risk
of progression to a gestational trophoblastic tumor. We
report a case of a patient who consulted for second
trimester metrorrhagia and whose ultrasound revealed a
bi-chorionic twin pregnancy: two gestational sacs, one
with a living fetus of 21WA, another containing an
amniotic cavity with a trophoblast in honeycomb
appearance measuring 14cm. Medical termination of
pregnancy was indicated: Induction of labor with
misoprostol followed by endo-uterine aspiration. The
expulsion product was in the form of a living fetus of 20
weeks with its own trophoblast associated with a
vesicular mass of 14 cm and which on histological
examination corresponded to a complete hydatidiform
Keywords : Twin Pregnancy; Hydatidiform Mole; Obstetrical Ultrasound.