Generating of Fuel from Plastic Waste

Authors : J. Naga Ganesh, S. Dinesh

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 9 - September

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Waste plastics from municipal solid waste were collected. It was be sorted based on the types like (HDPE, LDPE, PVC etc). They were graded into nearly uniform size by crusher, cutter and shredder. The graded feed was heated just to melt it so that extraneous impurities such as hard metal, clay, sand, glass etc settles in the bottom of the melter, which was removed periodically. The gaseous product during melting can be either dissolved in suitable solvent or incinerated to produce heat. The modern plastic along with catalyst is sent to a reactor, which is maintained at temperature between 350-600 °C and atmospheric pressure. The vapor which comes out of the reactor can be distilled to obtain different fractions of petroleum products. The different fractions dependent upon type of feed, catalyst/feed ratio, temperature and time of heating. Catalyst and the different products are characterized for there usefulness. The various properties of the products obtained were than tested and compared with the actual values for petroleum range products.

Keywords : Pyrolysis, Plastic Waste, Flash Point, Fire Point, Viscosity.


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