A multi-environment yield trial is important
to understand the genotype by environment interaction
and to select high performing and stable crop varieties.
The aim of this study was to identify high yielding and
stable hybrid maize varieties for mid altitudes of
Rwanda, to compare the performance of new hybrid
varieties with commercial checks, and to determine the
extent of genotype by environment interaction. Maize is
a staple crop used to fight hunger and malnutrition in
developing countries. Different varieties have been
released to increase yield including Open Pollinated
Varieties (OPVs) and hybrids. Genotype by
Environment interaction is an issue that all breeding
program need to overcome. In the future, improved
varieties will be needed in order to increase income for
farmers and help in food security Field experiments
were conducted to assess the performance and the
stability of 27 maize varieties in the mid altitudes zone of
Rwanda in the Cyabayaga, Rubona and Bugarama sites.
The experimental design was alpha lattice (0,1) with a
Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Data were
collected for a number of characters i.e. silking, AntesisSilking Interval (ASI), plant height, plant aspect, ear per
plant, husk cover, ear aspect, ear rot and grain yield.
Data were analyzed by GenS Stat statistical computer
package, Discovery Edition. ANOVA and AMMI
analysis were applied to assess the performance and the
stability of varieties and the degree of genotype by
environment interaction (G×E). In addition, Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis were
conducted to assess relationships between varieties. The
results showed that RHM1706, RHMM1701, RHM1409,
RHMM1707, WH509, RHMM1704, RHM407, WH101,
RHMM1710, RHMM1708, PAN53 and RHM104 were
stable across locations. Furthermore, the evaluated
varieties were found to cluster into five groups. Varieties
found to be most stable are recommended for further
Keywords : Open Pollinated Varieties, Genotype By Environments, Hybrid Varieties