African pear fruit (Dacryodes edulis) is valued for its potential to improve nutrition, boost food security and improve soil fertility. Nigeria is among the leading producer of Dacryodes edulis but its genotype by environment interaction is currently unknown. Consequently, screen house experiments were conducted across four locations to determine the genotype by location interaction seedling growth characteristics of 30 African pear fruit accessions in a Completely Randomized Design in 5 replications. Data collected on number of leaf production, leaf length, leaf breadth, leaf length/breadth ratio, internode distances, fresh leaf weight, fresh stem weight, fresh root weight, dry leaf weight, dry stem weight, dry root weight, plant height, collar diameter and biomass accumulation were subjected to Analysis of Variance. Treatment means were separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at 5% probability level. Results showed significant (p<0.05) differences among the genotypes in all the characters evaluated except in dry stem weight. Significant (p<0.05) location effect and genotype×location were also observed for all the traits studied.