The program to reduce the development of dental caries
in elementary school children has not been optimal. So
far, the reporting mechanism of the inspection results is
still manual so that the resulting data is inaccurate and
incomplete. The dental caries management geographic
information system (SIG-MKG) provides dental caries
distribution data in support of effective and targeted
Purpose of Study.
The purpose of this research is to produce a decent SIGMKG and its application effectively improve the behavior
of dental and oral therapists, the quality of dental caries
management, and the quality of data and information.
The methods used are Research and Development and
pre-experimental design method. Respondents numbered
30 to assess the behavior (knowledge, attitude, and action)
of Dental and Oral Therapists in the application of SIGMKG, the quality of dental caries management, and the
quality of data and information. Data tested using paired
different tests, proportion tests, and regression tests.
Expert validation test on SIG-MKG obtained an average
feasibility of 97.23%. Assessment of knowledge, attitudes,
and actions after treatment increased significantly
compared to before (p=<0.001, p=0.032, and p=<0.001,
respectively). Quality of dental caries management and
Quality of data and information improved significantly
after treatment (p=<0.001). Behavior affects Dental
Caries Management Quality and Quality of data and
information (p=<0.001).
It can be concluded that The application of SIG-MKG
provides a significant improvement in the behavior of
Dental and Oral Therapists in the application of SIGMKG, the quality of dental caries management, as well as
the quality of data and information compared to before.
Keywords : Dental Caries Management, Geographic Information Systems