The phenomenon like climate change is not
only happen in India but also it is observed World-wide.
The Pune division is one of the leading spatial unit on all
fronts i.e. agriculture and its allied activities, industry,
transportation, commerce etc. But past few years this
division has suffering different problems which are
arrived due to only changing climatic conditions. The
climate change is a change in the statistical distribution
of weather patterns when that change lasts for an
extended period of time that is decades to millions of
years. The present research work flash light on changing
climatic conditions of Pune division with using
Thornthwaite Moisture Index (TMI). The trends in the
annual, decadal and tri-decadal average moisture
condition in study area have been studied for the period
of 1901 to 2013. The shifting of climatic conditions are
analysed with 94 grid points (0.25° × 0.25°) over Pune
division. The researchers also examine the of
development of annual rainfall (mm) and mean monthly
temperature (0C).
Keywords : Climate, Change, Moisture Index, Rainfall, Temperature, Pune Division.