The study “GIS-based Application of DepEd
Schools in the Philippines” is applied to the geospatial
data of DepEd schools in the Philippines with the use of
the Internet. The application plays a significant role in the
decision making activities of the DepEd National as it help
address the need to determine the required information in
the real time monitoring the DepEd schools in the
country. The information is cascaded to the national level
as an efficient way of information dissemination via clientserver configuration. The school location likewise be
viewed using the visualized maps based from the
geospatial information of the school. A validated 5-point
Likert survey questionnaire was utilized to evaluate the
extent of compliance of the developed application to ISO
25010:2011 software quality standards among IT experts
and DepEd ICT coordinators. Result of the elauation
showed that the application developed is found to be
efficient, usable, reliable, portable, easily maintained,
compatible, suitable and secured. With the GIS-based
application, there is a real time update of school
information from the local school in the municipality,
legislative district, province and region in the Philippines.
Keywords : DepEd School, GIS-Based Application, Spatial Data.