Glasgow in Maxillofacial Fractures Patients: Mini Review

Authors : Giovanna Franchi Cascarani; Enrico Affonso Barletta; Daniela Prata Tacchelli

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN933

Background: Maxillofacial traumas are the most frequent one, and are usually associated with brain injuries that can be measured by the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS).Material and Methods: We did a mini review of the literature using PubMed as our data base, using “maxillofacial trauma and Glasgow Coma Scale” as key words. Among 73 articles found, we selected 3 articles that together analyzed 213 patients. Results: It was found that male patients (77,4%) were more affected than female (22,5%), the average age was 34,6 ±8,32 years, and the most common mechanism of trauma was vehicle accident. Just 10 patients presented a score between 14 and 15 on the GCS, which showed that most patients had neurological damage in different degrees.Conclusions: It was found that there is a relation between maxillofacial trauma and a decreased level of consciousness. Although, the literature lacks of studies analyzing the relation and presence of an altered mental status and the occurrence of a maxillofacial trauma.


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