In dental scenario natural products have been in practice for management of oral or tooth infections for more than thousands of years. Pathogenic bacteria’s found along with the normal microflora commensals are the primary etiologic agents for oral diseases such as dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth mobility or even tooth loss. It is well known that Oral infections are prevalent in majority of the population that can directly alter individuals’ general health status. Fruits of Vitis vinifera contain higher quantity of polysaccharides, proanthocyanins, organic and inorganic acids, salts and vitamins. Because of its nutritional and medicinal benefits especially in the oral cavity many experiments have been carried out over the years. Today, most grapes are consumed as dried form popularly known as raisins that contain polyphenols, flavonoids, potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamins B complexes.
Keywords : Vitis Vinifera; Grape Seeds; Flavanol Monomers; Proanthocyanidins; Flavonols; Hydroxyl Benzoic Acid Derivatives; Dental Plaque.