The purpose of this study is to analyze Human Resource Management in enhancing green environment in and around the organization and its impact on ecology. It has been observed a growing cognizance among industrial and corporate communities on the importance of going green and adopting numerous environment management techniques. The corporate world is going global, business environment is changing dynamically from an ancient financial perspective to a competency based, strategic outlook to explore more green economic facets of the business. In current scenario Green Human Resource management is playing an important role to create awareness among employees to implementGo Green initiative at work place. The reasons for going green are many, and the key among them are: increasing energy consumption and cost of energy consumption, environmental responsibilities and rising stricter regulatory and compliance regulations by laws. The perception of Go Green is to attenuate environmental degradation and creating this planet fit to live in it’. The situation is so fearsome even the scientists are communicating the issues of ecological imbalances to general public. So, this is also the responsibility of the organizations to make awareness about the green practices among the employees. It emphases the practices on environmental friendly and reducing the carbon footprint from activities carried out in organization. The main objective of this paper is to review the level of green practices adopted by various organizations and to enlist the effective green HR strategies for adopting the same. This study will also help Top Management to make their new green HR policies for a sustainable environment.
Keywords : Go green, Green HRM, Human Resource Management, Practices, Stakeholders, Firms.