Green Quality Improvement Using Six Sigma Method

Authors : Sutrisno Harianto; Ellysa Nursanti

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG266

Traditional cast brass handicrafts Majapahit is one of the nation's cultural heritage which has a high historical value. The uniqueness and quality become the hallmark of this craft products. The results of handmade products such as sculptures, wall hangings, souvenirs, ornaments doors and so on. To increase the sales of traditional handicrafts of brass castings, required Majapahit applicative technical efforts in improving the quality of products which are ecofriendly. Quality improvement method such as Six sigma. Six sigma focuses on decreasing flawed rate, by reaching the standard 3, 4 flawed in a thousand possibility. Six sigma has 5 phases; define, measure, analyze, improvement, and control. In this research, six sigma is applied in producing cast brass handicraft starting from making the master mold, preparation of smelting raw materials, cooling process, releasing of the mold, and finishing. Purposefully to improve the quality by overcoming and decreasing the high of flawed possibility and also applying marketing mixture in improving the market segmentation of traditional cast brass of Majapahit market. The result is quality improvement is shown by decreasing happen in number of flawed product in total of mean for about 154, 8 decreased to 59,5. While the calculation of the six sigma, flawed product of cast brass handicraft is for about 1,7625 sigma value or being in level 2 and increased to 3,725 or being in level 4 with the flawed possibility in amount 235,000 for thousand times of production. The ability of production for the requirement which is wanted by the consumers and owning a good enough capability but still needed some correction to achieve world class home industry

Keywords : Defect, Green Quality Improvement, Six Sigma, Traditional Brass Casting Craft.


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