This study focuses on reviewing how intensive
growth strategy influences the micro health insurance
performance in Kirinyaga County. The design of this
study was descriptive design. Self-administered
questionnaires with open and closed questions were
utilized as main tool for gathering data achieving a
response rate of 95%. Content and construct validity
was ensured through double check and
operationalization of terms. Reliability of the data was
assessed and ensured utilizing Cronbach’ s alpha with a
cut-off point of 0.7 achieved, the study realizing an
overall reliability scale of 0.863. Analysis of variance
indicated that model was acceptable at a confidence level
of 95% since the P – Value was 0.000b and hence <0.05.
The R – Squared of the study model was able to explain
55.6% of changes in performance of Micro Health
Insurance being influenced by intensive growth
strategies. The study concludes that market development
and penetration are statistically significant in affecting
the performance of Micro Health Insurance.