The danger of second wave of the corona
virus outbreak found in 2019 (COVID-19) threatens
Indonesia. The International Labour Organization
(ILO) has warned that without adequate safeguards for
returning workers there could be a second wave of the
virus. The results of the study have stated that Indonesia
is at the level of the country most at risk of experiencing
the danger of the Second Wave along with 14 other
countries in the world. The construction sector in
Indonesia was recorded as one of the business sectors
that scored positive performance gains amid slowing
economic growth. Indonesia's construction sector
contracted as a result of the Large-Scale Social
Restrictions (LSSR) to control the spread of COVID-19.
The Indonesian government has issued a protocol to
prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the construction
sector. The implementation of this protocol still raises
many obstacles and is seen as not being able to answer
the regulatory requirements for working in New Normal
conditions in the construction sector. This research tries
to present information related to the challenges and
opportunities of the construction sector in Indonesia in
facing the threat of a COVID-19 pandemic through the
in-depth online interview method conducted by
researchers of more than 600 construction and
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) stakeholders in
Indonesia. The information and data obtained were
analyzed by the SWOT method. The conclusion of this
study is that Indonesia needs to make more serious, real,
massive, and structured efforts in the construction sector
to anticipate the threat of the spread of the second wave
of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keywords : COVID-19, Construction, Regulation, New Normal, SWOT.