Happiness, Health and Economical Development

Authors : Raghu S; K M Niranjana; Venkanagouda M Gouder

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2TyK3TG

Happiness is the panacea for good health. Good health together with happiness led to successful life resulting in higher per capita income and higher GDP. Countries with lower income have significant impact on health and education led to lesser well being of the people. According to the various global reports on health, education and happiness revealed that developing countries like India give attention to higher spending in health care, education and proper implementation. There is a necessity for the countries to build sustainable food and health systems for the economic development of the nation and individual well being of the people. We used data from UN’s ‘World Food Programme, NSS 75th round survey report Annual Report 2019-20(Ministry of statistics and programme Implementation, GOI), Global Spending on Health: A World in Transition 2019 WHO report. This also gives me some inputs to analyse citizen’s burden on food expenditure. This paper suggest that Countries shall spend more to health and education rather than other sectors to achieve sustainable development goals as well as well being of their people. Because these have wider significance to achieve wellness of the people led to economic development.

Keywords : GDP, World Food Programme, World Bank Report, 75th round NSS survey ,Sustainable development goals.


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