At present health system of India has 3-tier composition which offers all-round health services to the people. Health care services at al-levels including, primary, secondary and tertiary run by State Governments of India. Every state government afford medical services for free of cost or sometimes very minimal charges. India is one of the fastest growing and the third biggest economies of the world. Regrettably, the delivery of health services and rate of its progression has not been proportionate with the changing tempo of the economy. The healthcare centres in the public sector are with inadequacy of hospital beds, lack of adequate staff, limited maternal & child healthcare services, combined with high prices. Moreover, the rural-urban divide, in relation to the availability and accessibility of quality healthcare services, remained a challenge.
Total expenditure of India including private and government and on health in 2012 was around 4.0 % of Gross domestic product, which was one of the lowest among all BRICS countries and also entire world25. Low financing on the health system is a significant root cause for deprived performance and poor utilization of the public health system.
Keywords : Health Systems, Opportunities, Challenges, Tertiary Health Care.