This study aims to discuss about perception of
the students regarding comprehensibility of teaching
material has attracted the attention of teaching
practitioners notably as it is related to the merging
pandemic covid-19. The primary purpose of this research
is to elucidate the perception of students regarding the
comprehensibility of English teaching material during
emerging Covid-19. Another purpose is to generate
alternative solution to instructional strategy in how to
overcome the problems of comprehensibility during the
situation. In collecting data regarding the perception,
close and open-ended questionnaires were distributed to
the selected samples representing Secondary High School
of SMAN 19 Makassar by using google form format.
Sufficient time allocation was prepared to allow the
samples to provide reliable and valid responses. Then,
comprehensibility scale is used to measure the student’s
perception on each of the given topic of online. The scaled
data were then analyzed using SPSS EBM V 26 to obtain
the mean score of student’s perceptions of
comprehensibility. The results demonstrated that the
perceptions of comprehensibility were (Sig 2-Tailed <
0.05). The value confirmed that the Cronbach's Alpha for
16 questionnaire items were > 0.60. This finding confirms
that the overall items in this table were reliable implying
that the level of material comprehensibility was moderate
that can be interpreted as less productive. The finding
generates pedagogical implication that require teachers
during pandemic Covid-19 to constantly aware of
provision of other alternative method for teaching as a
substitute material during the pandemic.
Keywords : Perceptions; Comprehensibility; English Teaching Material; Covid-19