Historical Development of Land Disputes and Their Implications on Social Cohesion in Nakuru County, Kenya

Authors : Evanson Njiru Nyaga; Dr. Anthony Ichuloi; Dr. George Mose; Dr. Pia Okeche

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2ImpiIE

Globally, land related conflicts have deep social implications; they lead to deaths, hate, intimidations, tensions, dislocations and displacements of many people from their homes, thereby adversely affecting social cohesion among individuals and communities. In Kenya, deep land related conflicts are as a result of the country’s historical development. Kenya’s history is critical in analyzing and understanding land conflicts that have ravaged social lives of many people. This study seeks to assess the historical mishaps that led to land disputes in Kenya, specifically in Nakuru County, which is one of the most affected regions in the country. Land related conflicts have fragmented the social fabric of the affected communities living in the region. The study sought to examine the historical perspective of the causes of land related conflicts underlining their implications onsocial cohesion in Nakuru County. The study used the descriptive design to explain the underlined variables. Both primary and secondary datawas used with the size of 500 informants. Sampling methods used were: purposive, snowball and clustered simple sampling. Data collection tools were: questionnaires, interview schedule, Focused Group Discussions and observations. The research found that colonial land frameworks and policies are the main causes of land conflicts in the region, which have divided communities, making them perceive each other as enemy. People dispossessed and dislocated from their lands.The study recommended for the involvement of communities and councils in seeking solutions to historical land injustices as a way of finding lasting solutions to land disputesfor a firm social life of those living in the region

Keywords : Land Disputes, Colonial Land Frameworks, Social Cohesion


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