The development of Manado City housing
development which is very rapid accompanied by all the
activity of the settlement increased caused to population
pressure with socio-economic dynamics has increased.
Housing development has been developed by the
Government and the private party between
businessman and developers of Geriya Paniki Indah
housing that provides simple houses of type 36/105 up
to luxury houses type 120/525 and is built strived
according to the needs of the community and can pay
attention to the standards of a decent residential
environment, City Manado extensive data of area
spatial of by 157.26 Km2, total population 431,880 soul
and occupation of density reaches 2,740 soul /
Km2..Hypothesis Data Analysis Results (1) states that
the construction of housing from decent housing plan
and infrastruc healthy housing simultaneously a very
significant effect on the economy of City Manado at
67.80 percent. Hypothesis Data Analysis Results (2)
states that the housing construction of a decent housing
plan significant effect on the economy of City Manado
by 31.70 percent and of housing development from
healthy housing infrastructure significant effect on the
economy of City Manado at 18.15 percent. The
condition of the economic structure of the City of
Manado for gross regional domestic income based on
current prices according to the business field of housing
construction in 2017 amounted to 2,960,480.84 million
rupiahs and in 2018 an increase of 3,241,214.69 million
Keywords : Housing development ; Economy.