Human Resources Planning and Talent Management in PT ANTAM Tbk

Authors : Hasto Hutomo Syawaluddin, Lenny Christina Nawangsari

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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Human resource planning and talent management is a process of managing human resources in the company to support the achievement of the company's targets in accordance with the company's vision and mission. The research was conducted aimed at providing input solutions to problems in meeting the workforce needs of the company. The research was conducted at PT ANTAM Tbk, which has business units on 4 different islands and has different human resource characteristics. The study was conducted with a qualitative method using primary employee demographic data and supporting data from the results of the study literature, the results of the discussion, and interviews with employees. The results of the study show that integrating talent management systems into career management systems is one solution to ensure the availability of candidates to fill vacant positions, more specifically those that require special competencies. Furthermore, the offer of a solution to overcome the lack of employee mobility among business units which is quite influential on the fulfillment of employees, is by conducting recruitment with the mechanism of official bond scholarships. This scholarship is given to the son of the location of the business unit by conducting a selection since the candidates are still in high school, which is then directed according to the interests and talents needed by the company. This program is one of the solution offers, taking into account the character of human resources that are different from the location of each unit.

Keywords : Human Resource Planning, Talent Management, Recruitment.


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