Hydraulic Actuated Storage System for Flood Affected Regions

Authors : B Anand; Athira Raj; Vivek V G

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3pwiyIJ

A lot of equipment’s books, utensils, gadgets were damaged or lost at the time of last two floods in Kerala. In order to prevent these damages, we came up with an idea of a height adjusting waterproof storage which can be controlled by hydraulic or mechanical means. In this system hydraulic lifting mechanisms are used to lift the storage. The base structure is fixed in such a manner that it won’t get detached from the bottom layers of soil. To support the base concrete layer, small pile like structures are provided, hence the base concrete layer will act as a strong support even under the action of water currents due to flooding. The structures are designed aerodynamically to reduce the resistance of air and to increase stability which makes it more stable at the time of storms. The box like structure or the storage head is placed on the top of the hydraulic arm which acts like a prismatic joint system. It is designed in a disc like curved structure to reduce fluid and air resistance. Inside this structure, a waterproof layer of coating or a jacket like structure is placed to protect the objects from water at the time of raining or higher waves. The height of the whole system can be varied by using a removable or permanent lever or handle like structure (plunger). At the time of flood, people could safely place their gadgets and other equipment inside the waterproof jacket inside the disc like structure

Keywords : Water proof storage system; Hydraulic system; Flood Storage.


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