Thirty (32) sources of water samples collected from various hand- dug wells, boreholes, streams and rivers in the study area were hydro geochemically analyzed and the results revealed that most of the samples’ physical parameters (pH, EC, TH, TDS) are within permissible range of World Health Organization (WHO, 2017) Standard for drinking water and domestic purposes except for few cases (samples at Lokuwa, Wuro- patuji, Police Barracks and Kofar Sarki) that have values exceeding the permissible limit. The mean temperature of all the water samples is 29.120C and all the samples showed no presence of E- coli and total coli form bacteria. The mean results of the hydro geochemical analysis of the cat ions and anions revealed that K2+, Ca2+, Mg2+ have values within the permissible limit by (WHO, 2017)for drinking water and domestic uses; However, Na+ concentration in samples from the study area was found to exceed the maximum permissible limit of 200mg/L except for samples from Barama and Digil that have values within the maximum permissible limit by ( WHO, 2017); Cl- , SO4 2- ,PO43-, CO32-,N03-) in samples from the study areas have values within the permissible limit according to ( WHO, 2017) with exception of HCo3- that has a value exceeding the permissible limit apart from sbample in hand dug well at Digil.
Keywords : Hydrogeochemical, Geoelectric Layer, Aquifer, Transmissivity, Hydraulic Conductivity.