Hyperglycemia, Ankle-Brachial Index and HDL Ratio to Total Cholesterol as Predictor of Stroke Severity using NIHSS

Authors : Sulastyawati, Hurun Ain, Nurul Hidayah.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

Stroke is one of the leading cause of death and disability worldwide. In Indonesia stroke is the highest cause of death similar to heart disease and the second cause of disability. 15 -30% of stroke cases result in permanent disability. Stroke results in varying clinical manifestations. Depending on which of the blood vessels is affected and the condition of collateral vessels in the brain. This study aims to analyze the relationship of hyperglycemia. ABI and HDL ratio to total cholesterol as a predictor of stroke severity. This research is analytical descriptive with cross sectional approach with NIHSS observation sheet. ABI measurement sheet and laboratory examination sheet. Data is processed using linear regression. The results showed a significant association between hyperglycemia. ABI and HDL to total cholesterol ratio with stroke severity with p = 0.024. Hyperglycemia. ABI and HDL-Cholesterol Total ratios are jointly influential and can be used to predict stroke severity. The severity of neurological deficits caused by stroke was influenced by the collateral vascularization conditions present in the brain. If vascularization is good efforts to save as many areas of ischemic activity can be done.

Keywords : Stroke, Hyperglycemia, ABI, HDL, Total Cholesterol.


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