Hyperloop New Mode of Transportation

Authors : Aditya S. Dhote

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/7SxUXd

Scribd : https://goo.gl/LnGD7s

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Today conventional mode of transportation is rail, road, water, and air. These modes of transport are relatively slow and expensive or a combination of relatively slow and expensive. Hyper loop is latest mode of transportation which is fast and inexpensive to change the pattern of transportation. Similar to Linux, hyper loop is also open and unique design concept. By bringing this concept to reality, it will help people to travel from one city to another city in a very small time and also at a low cost. The hyper loop capsule would accelerate with the help of linear electric motor and traverse through the tube at a high speed. By using passive magnetic levitation or air bearing, capsule will run above their track. Hyper loop consists of a low pressure tube with capsules that are travelled at low and high speed throughout the length of the tube. The capsules are supported with the help of cushion of air. To accelerate the capsules the magnetic linear accelerator are fitted at various stations on the hyperloop tube. To enter and exit the passengers the passage may be left either at the end of the tube or branches along the tube length. Let’s see how the hyperloop change mode of transportation.

Keywords : Hyperloop, Low pressure Tube, Capsules, Passive Magnetic Levitation, Air Bearings.


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