Identification and Classification of Disease for Tomato Plant using IP and CNN

Authors : Vrushabh Shende, Dr. Mahendra Pund.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Tomato Leaf disease Identification is basically a system application which uses IP (Image Processing) and CNN (Convolution Neural Network) techniques. Image processing is very important part of the system which includes image acquisition and image conversion. The convolution neural network is use for classification. To train the model for the CNN architecture, data is collected from the authenticated online source. 4000 samples leaf images of four classes, including the healthy leaf images are used to train the model. At the end the result shows some tomato plant diseases such as Late Blight, Yellow Leaf Curl and Bacterial Spot are detected.

Keywords : Image Processing, Convolution Neural Network, Late Blight, Yellow Leaf Curl, Bacterial Spot. Paper


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