The Virudhunagar District Central Co-usable
Bank is one among the 23 District Central co-employable
Banks working in Tamilnadu. Agribusiness is the
universes' most prominent maker and credit is the
premise of creation. The achievement of an area focal cousable bank depend more prominent degree on the
effectiveness of the labor in it. There are a few
examinations on focal co-employable bank working in
Tamilnadu at Madurai, Ramanathapuram, Salem and so
forth. The destinations were outlined for this
examination to Identify the component of authoritative
environment and look at the relationship with segment
variables. Data for the investigation have been gathered
from the different issues of yearly reports of the
Virudhunagar District Central Co-usable Bank Ltd,
yearly reports of the Tamilnadu. With the end goal of
examination the total environment score, including the
all out of every one of the 44 factors, of every individual
was thought of. Anyway that being a solitary variable
without gatherings, building a possibility table is beyond
the realm of imagination thus middle worth, it is 146 of
total environment score is utilized for the reason
partitioning respondents in to two gatherings. This it
very well might be reasoned that the Virudhunagar
District Central Co-employable Bank Ltd may improve
its practices in upkeep the board. This paper aim to
discuss about identifying the dimensions of
organizational climate of the virudhunagar district
central co-operative bank.
Keywords : Management, Co-operative Banks, Organizational Climate, Labour.