The increasing use of the internet has
transformed the process of human socialisation. The
internet provides people with anonymity, where one can
hide under the veil of anonymity to perpetrate evil to
another with the intention of not getting caught. Cyberaggression as one of the dangers of the wrongful use of
internet is the major concern of this work. Cyberaggression can be seen as a 21st century hurting
behaviour because it is wide speared. This study
investigated identity orientation dimensions (personal,
relational, social, and collective) as correlates of cyberaggressive behaviour among undergraduates. The
participants for this study comprised of 204
undergraduates, consisting of ninety-seven (97) male
(47.3%) and one hundred and seven (107) female
(52.7%). Their age ranged from 18-29 years with a
mean age of 19.98 and a standard deviation of 2.33
Keywords : Identity Orientation Dimensions, CyberAggressive Behaviour and Undergraduates.