Illegal Immigrants in Southern Africa: Analysis of Dynamics Propelling Illegal Immigrants in Zambia

Authors : Prosper Ng’andu

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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The article analyses the dynamics that stimulate immigrants to enter Southern Africa states or nations in the case of Zambia illegally. The phenomenon of illegal immigration has been a thorn in most states to the extent that some citizens like in South Africa have at times engaged in xenophobia attacks. The question now rises, what stimulates these foreigners to leave their country and opt to cross illegally into another country where safety is not granted? To internalize the dynamics the voluntary and involuntary migration has been explored. The article later explores the migration outlook in Africa and the causes, the migration in Southern Africa. To comprehend the issue under study widely, constructivism theory has been applied as it differs with other international relations theories like realism and liberalism because it views the world as socially constructed. The article, therein, analyses the dynamics propelling the phenomenon to escalate in Zambia, thereafter, the conclusion is drawn. In this connection, the article builds on a qualitative research methodology in which primary data is triangulated with secondary data collected from various literatures and thematically analyzed. The methods used were semi-structured questionnaire, in-depth interview and observation where respondent were selected through Purposive, random and snowball sampling. The dynamics in southern Africa were established to be more of the push factors prevailing in the countries of origin.

Keywords : Southern Africa, Zambia, Illegal Immigration and Dynamic.


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