Image Sorting Using Object Detection and Face Recognition

Authors : Shaikh Arbaz, Shaikh Sohail, Shaikh Rehan, Mubashir Khan

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March

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The user generates a bulk amount of multimedia data among which one of the most used files is images. The average user does not bother to organize the images. This application is used to organize the images based on the object and faces of a person present in the image. It uses object detection, face detection, face recognition to categorize the images into its respective directories. Object Detection uses the YOLO algorithm to detect an object, for face detection it uses Haar Cascade and for face recognition LBPH algorithm. Using the above-mentioned algorithm images are categorized into directories.

Keywords : Object Detection, Face Detection, Face Recog-nition, YOLO, Haar cascade, LBPH.


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