The type of instructional strategy adopted by
biology teachers is a contributory factor influencing
students’ perception of biology teaching using a blend of
pedagogical knowledge, as well as other bases of the
teacher’s potential to facilitate students’ understanding,
skill acquisition, application of the knowledge gained in
solving problems as well as improving students’
perception of biology teaching. Thus, the pedagogical
content perception of biology teaching. This study
adopted quasi-experimental design using 2 x 2 factorial
matrix of pre-test, post-test and control group with two
treatments of PCK and traditional method as the
control. A sample of 618 students in Senior Secondary
School II comprising 290 students (%=46.93) in the
science group with 328 (%=53.07) in the non-science
group. Data was collected using research instrument
titled Students’ Perception of Biology Teaching
Questionnaire (SPBTQ) and one instructional strategy
contained in Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
Instructional Package for teachers (PCKIPT). Data was
analysed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA).
Hence, significant main effects of treatment on students’
perception of biology teaching. PCK instructional
strategy was found to be far better than the traditional
method while gender had no significant effect on
students’ perception of biology teaching. PCK
instructional strategy significantly improves students’
perception of biology teaching. Therefore, biology
student centred strategies’ such as PCK Instructional
strategy in enhancing students’ perception of biology
teaching and learning.
Keywords : Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Students’ Perception, Biology Teaching Gender.