Nowadays, heavy metal contamination is
being increased and it can affect the growth of plants,
animals and human health. Phytoremediation
technology using plants to extract heavy metals from
the soil as well as water. The effective results of a
phytoextraction method depend on sufficient plant yield
and accumulate high amount of metals in plant shoots
and/or roots. The present study was carried out to
examine the effects of heavy metal on weed plants like
Ipomea carnea and Jatropha gossypiifolia. Stem cutting
of these plants was exposed to four concentrations (0, 5,
10, 15 ppm) of potassium dichromate. Chromium
accumulation capacity of those plants was compared in
a pot and hydroponic culture methods. Total
chlorophyll content was reduced gradually while
increasing chromium (IV) concentrations.
Keywords : Contamination, heavy metals, Phytoremediation, metal accumulation and plant growth.