Impact of Covid 19 on Different Sectors of the Economy

Authors : Dr. Y. Arundhathi

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG588

Millions of people affected with the outbreak of Corona virus. The entire world is affected with this virus and World Health Organization declared it as Pandemic. This virus has an unprecedented impact on the Global Economy. WHO declared public health emergency on 30th January 2020. Most of the countries are declared lockdown and affected normal life . As a result socio economic disruption , inhabiting the growth of entire economies. Almost all sectors of the economies affected with this pandemic and entire economic system needs emergency attention of the governments. In India the first case of COVID19 reported in Kerala on January 30th 2020 and multiplied within two months. Government has declared lockdown on 24th march 2020. The estimated loss of corona virus is 26 billion US dollars in India by the end of June 2020. Lock down has restricted the economic and business activity of 1.3 billion people. In this paper an attempt is made to identify the impact of corona virus on different sectors of the Indian economy and highlight the reasons. So that it can be benefited in the post pandemic period for policy makers.


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