Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

Authors : Kunjana Mittal ,Dr. Seema Garg

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 5 - May

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Domestic Violence is like a giant and eats the childhood of the children. Children are precious for the development of the nation. But domestic violence leaves the adverse impact on the children. Children are the center point for the parents, but they are forgetting them in own fight. If children are grow up in the environment of domestic violence and then they are live in tension and anxiety and in fear of anger. Thus the children are victims of child abuse due to emotionally and psychologically broken. They are not getting the safe, secure, nurturing and loving atmosphere. Its true domestic violence negatively affects victim’s physical, sexual and reproductive health etc. It may lead to socioeconomic difficulties such as- a limited ability to take care of themselves or their children, an inability to work and to sustain wages and isolation, which leads to lack of participation in social and regular activities.


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