Impact of Education and Occupation on YouTube Advertising Videos

Authors : Obada Alorfahli

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 4 - April

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Social media in our days become very important for companies in different sectors to communicate with their target audiences. In addition to creating a good image in the audience's mind. With the new digital platforms, social media marketing becomes more and more important and the effectiveness of those platforms in our days is an important incentive to the marketer to determine which platform is the best to make detriment. This study search on YouTube advertisement effectiveness. The study focused on the impact of education and occupation on YouTube advertising videos, and how those variables play a critical rule on effectiveness advertising videos. The made a questionnaire asking 400 people located in Istanbul on how they react and connect on YouTube platforms and how they react and what causes that make the advertising video memorable

Keywords : Social Media, Youtube, Feedback, Advertising, Advertising Video Effectiveness


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