Pigeon pea (cajanus cajan) is the second most important pulse crop in India after chickpea. The KVK of Barwani district (M.P.) was entrusted with the responsibility of conducting FLD in Barwani district of M.P. The main emphasis was to maximize production per unit area by using high yielding variety of production in conjunction with the package and practices. The calculated ‘t’ value 6.094 at 1 per cent level was higher than the table value of ‘t’ 2.093. This was declared to be significant. Therefore, it may be concluded that the data provides enough evidence of higher level of adoption of pigeon pea production technology by FLD pigeon pea growers over non beneficiaries’ pigeon pea growers. This clearly shows that as regard the effect of FLD on adoption behaviour of pigeon pea production technology there was a significant difference between FLD beneficiaries and non beneficiaries.
Keywords : Pigeon pea- pulse crop, Front-Line Demonstration-Unique approach to provide an direct Interfresh (Researcher and Farmers) through scientist, Adoption Behaviour-actual practising of improved technology.