Impact of Microhabitat Destruction on Shore Birds in Kaikondrahalli Lake, Bangalore South

Authors : Ganesh.S, Shubham Gupta, Antoney P U.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Ninety percent of all lake life is born, raised and fed in the first 10-15 meters (30-50 feet) of shallow water shorelines around lakes. This area act as filters, reducing entry of pollutants into the lake, stabilizing soils and protecting against erosion and provide essential food and habitat for the survival of many species of organisms. Most of the plants, microorganisms, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and fishes depend on the shoreline for survival. Keeping shorelines natural is the best way to protect water quality and the value of waterfront properties.

Keywords : Shallow Water, Shoreline, Pollutants, Impact, Destruction, Erosion, Waterfront, Wetland, Abundance, Foraging, Nesting.


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