Impact of Organisation Structure and Leadership Style towards Teacher’s Motivation to Teach, Student’s Motivation to Learn, Teacher’s Job Satisfaction and Student-Centered Teaching Skill through OD intervention

Authors : Nan Thin Zar No; Dr Lee Hsing Lu

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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The research objectives of this study are to assess current situation of AAA monastic school (pre ODI), to design and implement OD interventions (ODI) that will develop monk’s leadership style and teambased organization structure, to analyze the impact of monk’s leadership and team-based organization structure onto teacher’s motivation to work, to analyze the impact of monk’s leadership and team-based organization structure onto teacher’s job satisfaction, to analyze the impact of monk’s leadership and teambased organization structure onto student’s motivation to learn, to analyze the relationship between teambased organization structure and student-centered teaching skills and to determine the differences between Pre ODI and Post ODI on monk’s leadership, teambased organization structure, student’s motivation to learn, student-centered teaching skill, teacher’s motivation to work and teacher’s job satisfaction. The participants were one monk, 19 teachers, and 459 students. The researcher used the Likert organization characteristic survey questionnaires, focus group interviews, decision tree diagrams, and observation forms to collect data. OD interventions were applied to the monk's leadership style and teachers to form a Team-based organization structure. Findings showed differences between Pre-ODI and Post-ODI on monk's leadership style, teachers' Team-based organization structure, student's motivation to learn, studentcentered teaching skill, teacher's motivation to work, and teacher's job satisfaction.

Keywords : Leadership Style, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Organization Development Interventions Organization Structure.


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