Impact of Privatization on Higher Education with Special Reference to the Kamrup Rural District- A Study

Authors : Rajibloson Medhi, Rugung Boro.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 9 - September

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Privatization is one of the main global trends in higher education. It is generally understood as the intensive development and expansion of private institutions, increased reliance of public institutions on private funding and operation of the institutions in a businesslike manner. Privatization implies allying market principles to the functioning of public institutions of higher education .The private sector implies the non-state section in higher education. These institutions are owned and operated by private individuals or agencies. There is growing demand for better quality higher education. In order meet the growing needs of the students for higher education it is crucial that private sector plays a major role. The rapid growth of private sector has no doubt led to a quantitative increase in the number of colleges providing higher education but affected the quality of education on one side and government may not keep sufficient control over the unaided colleges on the other side. Due to privatization, there is the high risk of commercialization of education. An attempt has been made in this paper to show the impact of privatization on higher education with special reference to the Kamrup(R) District. For present study the investigators has selected both descriptive survey method and observation. Here the investigator has selected four B.Ed colleges of Kamrup (Rural) District of Assam. The collected data are based on both primary and secondary data. In this study an attempt has been made to find out the impact of privatization on higher education.

Keywords : Privatization, Reliance, Businesslike, Growing needs, commercialization.


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