Impact of Supplementation of Selected Foods on Stress Management among Working Women

Authors : Dr. R. Usharani; Dr. (Mrs).U.K. Lakshmi

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 10 - October

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All of us face different challenges and obstacles during life and sometimes the pressure is hard to handle. When we feel demands placed on us, we experience stress. Stress is a psychological and physiological response to the events that upset our personal balance in some way or upset other. The study was carried on Arni Taluk of Thiruvannamalai District of Tamil Nadu, where a number of silk fibre mills are located. The main objective of this study was assessed the stress level through the Occupation stress index for 250 working women. From these scale the investigator was selected 40 women from high stress group. Some of the foods that can help in reducing stress and anxiety are Almond, Ashwagandha, Banana, Broccoli, Cottage cheese, fortified breakfast cereals, Ginseng, green tea, lime juice, milk, blue berries, oranges, oats, whole-grain rice and spinach. Based on the investigator was supplemented the experimental group (E1=10, E2=10, E3=10) such as Lime juice, Milk and Banana respectively. The impact of supplementation was evaluated by studying the changes in their stress level by the occupational stress schedule and their performance. Lime juice and Banana was highly significant at one per cent level. The effectiveness of the nutrition education imparted to improve nutritional knowledge of the selected women was evaluated using the same questionnaire at the end of the study. The impact of nutrition education was evaluated by comparing the mean pre test and post test scores of the selected women

Keywords : Working Women, Stress, Spinning Mill, Milk, Lime Juice & Banana.


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