In its commitment to contribute to greater
social well-being, to the development of economic
opportunities and for the protection of the environment,
the Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and
Sustainable Development wishes to study the
possibilities of developing a project for the
establishment of centralised biogas plant in the
Abiergué watershed. It is in this perspective that the
present work aimed to determine the most favorable
areas for the development of the sector. In order to
achieve this objective, the mapping coupled with the
multi-criteria analysis was used as decision support
tools to identify the most suitable site for the
implementation of the unit. The results of the multi-
criteria analysis indicate in order of preference the
districts Mokolo, Cité verte, Oyomabang, Carrière and
Nkolbisson, as the five most favorable areas for the
installation of a centralised biogas plant, while districts
Etetack, Nkolso’o and Melen, appeared to be the least
favorable. The cartographic tool for its part,
geolocalises the preferential areas around Oyomabang,
Madagascar, Mokolo, Melen, Cité verte and Nkolbikok.
Keywords : Methanation; Geographic Information System (GIS); Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP); Centralised Biogas Plant.