Implementation of Beam Steering using Phased Array Antennas

Authors : Jestin John Mathew; Nitish HS; Dr. Jayavrinda V ; Dr. Raghunandan S

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 6 - June

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUN716

Beam steering is a phenomenon of varying the direction of the main lobe in the radiation pattern, so in radar systems it can be achieved by changing the relative phases of the antenna being implemented.But,some of the setbacks of implementing beam steering in mechanical antennas like microstrip antenna is that the directivity and, gain is low,and interference is very high.Whereas,in our project we have implemented beam steering using phased array antennas which has produced better results.So,an phased array antenna is electronically scanned antenna ,which produces a beam of radio waves that can be steered to different points based on our requirements by keeping the antenna stationary.Also,these type of antennas require less maintenance as compared to mechanical antennas

Keywords : Phased array antennas, Beam steering, Directivity, Interference.


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