Based on the results of initial reflection in
class VI SDN Kalisari I/242 Surabaya, found concerns
about learning writing narratives. The problem is
because the teacher is not optimal in providing learning
that can improve the vocabulary of students, as a result,
students are less skilled in choosing the word due to
limited student vocabulary. Teachers are also not
optimal in giving students the opportunity to discuss, so
that student activities in discussions are still low. This
problem is supported by the results of learning the
classical students that, 57.6% of students have not been
skilled writing narration.
The problem formulation of this research is how to
improve the quality of Indonesian language learning
aspect narrative writing skills in grade VI students at
SDN Kalisari I/242 Surabaya. The research aims to
describe the implementation of Indonesian language
learning aspects of narrative writing skills in class VI
students, Describing the implementation of Indonesian
language learning aspects of narrative writing skills
through the application of cooperative learning model
sentence concept type with Word card media, and
improvement of student skills write narrative through
the application of cooperative learning model type
concept sentence with Word card media.
This research is a class action research with stages
of planning, implementation, observation, and
reflection. This study was conducted in two cycles, each
cycle consists of one meeting. The subject of research is
teacher and student of class VI SDN Kalisari I/242
Surabaya. Data collection techniques using test and
nontest techniques. Data analysis techniques using a
quality and quantitative descriptive analysis.
From the results of the study, the teacher's activity
increased to a very good category and was completed.
The cycle of 1 teacher activity reaches the percentage of
45%, increasing in cycle 2 to 83.33%, Student activity
can also achieve a very good and well-stated category.
The student's classical learning is done in 57.6%,
increasing in cycle 2 to be complete 81.2%.
Conclusion of this research is a model of
cooperative learning concept type sentence with Word
card media can increase teacher activity, student
activity, and student narrative writing skills of class VI
SDN Kalisari I/242 Surabaya. Suggestions for improved
learning, teachers need to improve classroom manage
and gain reinforcement, answer questions, or convey
opinions. Advice for students to practise writing.
Keywords : Concept Sentence; Word Cards; Writing Skills; Narrative.