The implementation of elections in Indonesia
since the old order and the new Order does not reflect
the principle of democracy, free, confidential, honest,
and fair. They are rearranging the general electoral
process to regulate a system of democratic offenses and
bring peace to society to make changes. This research
aims to know and analyze the application of criminal
warrants against members of the General Election
Commission (KPU), who conduct elections and to
examine the weaknesses in implementing criminal
sanctions against members who do the electoral
criminal act. The method of approach in this study
using statutory access. With the secondary data
obtained by conducting literature research of both
books, articles, journals relating to elections, and
decisions of judges on the subject of votes that have
been fixed strength. The data obtained is then analyzed
by a qualitative descriptive method. The results of the
implementation of criminal sanctions against members
of the General Election Commission (KPU) who
performed an electoral criminal by the judges are still
very mild in the form of soft prison crimes, experiments,
and confinement according to article 510 and article 514
of Law No. 7 of 2017 on the implementation of elections.
Keywords : Criminal Sanction; Criminal Offense; Election Commission.