Implementation of Ijarah Multijasa Products in BPR Syariah

Authors : Syahid Suhandi Aziz, Yuhelson.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 12 - December

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In murabahah financing , the object of the transaction is goods, while in ijarah financing, the object of the transaction is services, both benefits of goods and benefits of labor. In BPRS, multi-purpose financing products among customers or the public still do not know the uses and functions of multi-purpose financing. Most customers or people assume that multitasking is the same as other financing. This study uses a qualitative method, namely the type of research that is not obtained through statistical procedures or other forms of calculation. The findings of the study show that the practice of multinational ijarah financing agreement that is used ijarah contract where the bank can obtain ujrah or compensation for the benefits of services that have been provided, and use the wakalah contract as a supplement.

Keywords : Implementation, Multi-purpose Ijarah Products.


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