This research is a class action study aimed to
determine the motivation and outcome of students '
learning in Citizenship Education (PKn), especially the
material of my dwelling area by applying the model
Value Clarivication Tehnique (VCT) assisted image
media. This research was conducted in class IV of SDN
Wonorejo III/314 Surabaya Year lesson 2019/2020
which amounted to 34 students in 3 cycles. The research
draft used is class action research (PTK) developed by
Kemmis & Mc. Taggart, covering four stages of 1)
planning, 2) Acting & are, 3) reflecting and 4) revise
plan. To determine the effectiveness of the use of VCT
models with image media, data processing is carried out
through student poll sheets and student activity sheet
test Results (LKS) on each cycle. The motivation Data
studied at Cycle I of 61.77% increased by 17.64% in
Cycle II and became 94.12% in Cycle III. While the
learning results experienced an increase from the
original only 35.29% increased by 17.65% in Cycle I,
20.59 on cycle II and 20.59% in cycle III to be 94.12%.
Thus, the implementation of the learning model VCT
with Image Media is stated in accordance to the study of
PKn-class IV at SDN Wonorejo III/314 Surabaya
because it has exceeded the indicated achievement
Keywords : VCT Model with Image media support, citizenship Education (PKN), Motivation and learning outcomes