The vehicular network is an exceptional example of communication to produce movement of cars for content dissemination. If we use a network coding, the vehicle will get tremendous flexibility, system stability, scalability and mobility in content sharing. Along with this, we suggested the methodology of CRL (Certificate Revocation List) to provide data secrecy. The conventional approaches are base on the encryption. The encryption further decreases the intermediate nodes co-operation that has not any expectation of file recovery. The scheme depends on obfuscation by polluting and then processing the real file. This scheme only allows informing about corrupted blocks to the intended receiver that can recover data on time. We are enhancing the rate of file download with a comparison to an earlier work algorithm. To enhance download rate performance, we are going to apply CRL (Certificate Revocation List) algorithm.
Keywords : Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network; Proxy-Based Authentication Scheme; Proxy Vehicle; Privacy Preservation, Key Negotiation