Improved Cryptography by Applying Transposition on Modified Playfair Algorithm Followed by Steganography

Authors : Dr. Rachana Patil; Piyush R. Chaudhari; Mayuresh R. Dindorkar; Shalakha V. Bang; Rohit B. Bangar

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 5 - May

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The current internet era is marked with the generation of billions and trillions of data. Most of it is concomitant with the financial sector, intelligence sector or may be the personal data pertaining to individuals and to the nation. Hence, it is crucial to protect and secure it. Cryptography is a technique that encrypts the data and makes it secure to be transmitted over the internet. Over the time various techniques have been evolved to cipher the original text. Playfair algorithm is the most widely used cryptographic algorithm. But is however subjected to brute force attacks. The proposed method improves the performance of traditional playfair cipher and introduces novel technique of keyless transposition i.e. RMPS (Rohit Mayuresh Piyush Shalakha) transposition to further enhance the security capability of proposed methodology. Further, in order to secure the communication between sender and receiver, steganography is used to provide an additional layer of security.

Keywords : Security; Cryptography; Playfair; RSA; Keyless Transposition; Steganography; Key Encryption; RMPS


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