Improvement of Production Productivity and Process Capability to Create a Production Process Controlled by Quality and Quantity Case Study on the Production Line Assy Element Assy, Factory 2 Production Area, PT. XYZ

Authors : Martin Darmawan, Mislan, Afifulloh, Erry Rimawan

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July

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Good work system design is one of the keys to success of a company. Because at this design stage all the entities in the work system are properly arranged and prepared in order to achieve the targets set by the company. In this study what is meant by company targets is the target in terms of production productivity and targets in terms of process capability Be rhubungan with the quality of products produced. Based on this, the research conducted on the Production Line Assy Element Assy in the Factory 2 Production Area of PT. This XYZ aims to improve the competitiveness of companies through the design of good work systems to increase production productivity, and through evaluating the critical processes contained in the work system in order to improve process capabilities that are closely related to the quality of the products produced. In fact there are two variations of work processes found in the work system of the Production Line Sub Assy Assy in the Production Area of Factory 2, PT. XYZ, namely: Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol Product), and Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast Product ). So that the improvements made include both variations of the work process. Study methods of working time and line balancing are used in solving pr ocess bottle neck problems in the work system. With the problem of bottle neck process resolved in the work system, it is expected that production productivity in the work system can increase, and meet the targets set by the company. Based on the results of the research conducted, there are fish repairs on both work process variations in the Production Line Assy Element Assy. In the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate B Plastisol, and End Plate A Plastisol) there was an increase in production capacity of 35.86 %, from the initial production capacity of 11187 units / day , to 15 199 units / day , and there were the increase in line efficiency was 26.57 %, which was from the initial efficiency of 55.17 %, to 69.83%. Whereas in the Sub Production Process Assy Element Assy (End Plate A Plastisol, and End Plate B Macroplast) there is an increase in production capacity of 39.44%, which is from the initial production capacity of 10789 units / day, to 15044 units / day , and there is an increase in line efficiency of 22.05 %, ie from the initial line efficiency of 68.85 %, to 84.03 %. Or in other words, the production capacity under conditions after repairs has been able to meet the production targets set by the company. While of the capability evaluation process, which is used as a sample in this study is the improvement process Plastisol Adhesive Dispense contained in Sub Production Line Assy Element Assy in Production Area 2 Factory PT. The XYZ. From the results of the research conducted, there was an increase in the value of process capability in the Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process, namely from the initial condition Cpk value of - 0.14, and Cp value of 0.21, Cpk value of 3.33, and Cp value of 3.52 . Based on the results of these studies, it can be seen that after doing the conformation to the Plastisol Dispense Adhesive Process, the process has been able to meet the process capability targets set by the company.

Keywords : Bill of Materials (BoMs), Production Layout, Products Classification, Operating Process Chart (OPC), Productivity And Line Balancing, and Process Capability.


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